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Ambush valley

Ambush valley is a 1936 American Western (genre) directed by Bernard B. Ray, produced by Ray and Harry S. Webb for Reliable Pictures, starring Bob Custer and Victoria Vinton.

Dr. Mabuse, the gambler

A film about the dastardly doings of Norbert Jacques's title villian, directed by Fritz Lang. Rudolf Klein-Rogge stars in a role he later repeated in "The testament of Dr. Mabuse" (aka "The crimes of Dr. Mabuse) in 1933. This is actually the first part of a film that was released in two parts, something Lang has done a few times (The Indian Tomb, Siegfried). Unfortunately, I do not have part 2. I hope at some point someone who has a copy of Part 2 to be kind enough to upload it. Until then, I thought it fitting to upload what I have. NOTE: This is a vhs rip of a print ... continua

Lil' Abner

Lil' Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.

The playhouse

The playhouse is a 1921 silent short film written, directed by, and starring Buster Keaton. The movie runs for 22 minutes, and is most famous for an opening sequence in which Keaton plays every role.

Vengence of the zombies

Paul Naschy, Spain's superstar of horror, starred as a number of maniacal monsters during his most prolific period (1968-1973). He'd appear as a mummy, Count Dracula, a deranged hunchback, and his most famous role of Waldemar Daninsky, the doomed werewolf. After directing several successful "El Hombre Lobo" romps for Naschy, León Klimovsky was back on hand for this undead entry, known in Spain as LA REBELION DE LAS MUERTAS. Naschy takes on two roles; an East Indian guru named Krishna and his scarred brother Kantaka, who uses some kind of voodoo to bring back the dead ... continua

Tom & Jerry 053 - The framed cat

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters

Submarine alert

Submarine alert (1943) is an American film directed by Frank McDonald (director), produced by Pine-Thomas Productions and released by Paramount Pictures. The film was the last in a series of three Pine-Thomas adventure films that included Forced Landing (film) (1941) and Flying Blind (film) (1941). The film stars Richard Arlen, Wendy Barrie, Nils Asther, Roger Pryor, Marc Lawrence and Ralph Sanford.

A fool there was

A fool there was (1915) is an American silent film drama film, produced by William Fox (producer), and starring Theda Bara. The film was long considered controversial for such risqué intertitle cards as "Kiss me, my fool!" Although A Fool There Was never received a public showing in Great Britain, later Theda Bara films were allowed.
Though the film contains scenes set in England and Italy, the entire movie was filmed in St. Augustine, Florida.
This is one of the few Theda Bara films in existence. The others are: The Unchastened Woman (1925), The Stain (film) ... continua

Raiders of old California

Raiders of old California is a 1957 American film directed by Albert C. Gannaway

Red lights ahead

Red lights ahead is a 1936 American film directed by Roland D. Reed. It was the last film released by the Chesterfield Motion Picture Company before they became part of Republic Pictures